Tarp surfing at Manly West
This category hasn’t been very active…but here’s a session of a different flavour at Manly West. Best played with sound on.
View ArticleHawkwind percolates Manning Bar
Hawkwind got their name from founder Nik Turner’s unappealing habit of clearing his throat and farting at the same time. Dave Brock is the only founding member still in the band that was formed over...
View ArticleSummer solstice today
June SolsticeSummer solstice is the somewhat ambiguous name for the June Solstice when the sun reaches its northernmost point. This year the summer solstice occured on 21 June 17:16 UTC. So, Sydney...
View ArticleDarts GF next wednesday
The former Fishos, now Dee Why Master Builders 3 darts team managed to win the elimination final against Dee Why Master Builders 4 team to meet Time & Tide in the Grand Final at Manly Leagues club...
View ArticleDarts Grand Final
Much rejoicingDarts is a great game. An elusive headspace of supreme relaxation and ruthless concentration will allow those darts to sing and it’s an awesome, Zen-like feeling to be in that zone. Last...
View ArticleMoon & Tides
For a surfer or fisherman its often handy to know what the tide is doing. On the East Coast the tide comes in with the rising moon for a high tide a couple of hours after moonrise. Likewise if you see...
View ArticleSome stay the same
In 1987, it was an analog world and there was no internet or mobile phones (except for the odd geek). A Tablet was something you took for your hangover and our Prime Minister held the world record for...
View ArticlePride of Sri Lankans
When you’re in a country where the drinking water might be a bit dodgy, it’s a safer option to stick with the amber fluid. Your belly will thank you for it. I’m not sure of the collective noun for...
View ArticleAn Ambush of Tigers
Maldives is an Islamic nation with plenty of fish, coconuts and waves but no local brewing so all the beer is imported. On a recent surf charter we had any beer we wanted as long as it was Tiger. Tiger...
View ArticleOffshore at the Reccie
Unfortunately, I missed the surf trip to Treachery last weekend. The charts were predicting solid 8′ plus south swell and offshore NE winds. I asked the guys to send me some photos from the trip and...
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